Understanding the 30/30 Approach

Fly infestations greatly impact production on dairy farms and beef cattle operations. Left unchecked, some fly populations can swell up to 4,000 flies per animal, which translates to a huge economic loss. Without a proactive fly management program in place, diseases and reductions in weight and milking productivity resulting from flies can take a significant toll on the comfort of animals and an operation’s bottom line.

The 30/30 Program encourages operations using ClariFly® Larvicide or Altosid® IGR to start including the products in their feed or supplement early in the spring, 30 days before flies begin to appear through 30 days after the first frost when cold weather reduces or ends fly activity. This ensures an ideal window of treatment with the products, protecting against an unpredictably early or late start to the spring or winter seasons.

To help limit the population of overwintering flies that emerge in spring and mark the start of fly season, follow these key steps of the 30/30 Program:

  • Begin feeding ClariFly® Larvicide or Altosid® IGR 30 days before average daytime temperatures reach 65° F
  • Continue the process until 30 days after the first frost in the fall

Countless studies have shown that flies can cause serious economic damage to both dairy and beef operations. The effects are very real to producers, and the importance of controlling fly populations has never been more critical. By following a “30/30” approach, producers can get ahead of the fly population in the spring before it builds to a level that exceeds the economic threshold.

By continuing to feed 30 days past the average first frost date in the fall, producers can reduce the total number of overwintering pupae, thus giving them a head start on the population for the following year. When incorporated into a complete Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program, the use of ClariFly® Larvicide or Altosid® IGR with a “30/30” approach can help producers account for the unpredictability of the seasons and significantly lower fly populations while increasing cattle comfort and profitability.