Boost Cow Comfort and Productivity

Managing fly populations on dairy farms is essential for maintaining cow comfort, herd productivity, and protecting your bottom line. Flies not only bite and irritate livestock but also spread disease and reduce overall animal health. To effectively control flies and enhance cow comfort, an integrated approach that focuses on bedding, cleanliness, and pest management is essential.

Here’s how you can improve fly control while ensuring your herd stays comfortable and productive:

Choose the Right Bedding

Bedding is a major factor in both cow comfort and fly management. Flies do not lay eggs in dry bedding, so keeping bedding maintained and dry is crucial, and it also supports cow comfort. During the colder months, straw may be suitable, but in warmer weather, materials like sawdust, wood shavings, or sand are better options. Sand is especially effective for deep-bedded stalls because it conforms to the cow’s body and resists bacterial growth.

Keep Bedding Clean and Dry

Frequent cleaning is critical for maintaining dry bedding. Use the “knee test” to determine if bedding needs replacement—kneel in the hutch or stall, and if your knees are damp, the bedding is too wet. Weekly cleaning and timely replacement of soiled bedding helps reduce fly populations and keep cows comfortable.

Ensure Fresh Water Availability

Dairy cows consume an average of 50 gallons of water daily, and this can nearly double during periods of heat stress. Keeping a constant supply of fresh, clean water helps cows stay hydrated and reduces stress, promoting milk production and overall health.

Maintain a Clean Environment

Clean cows are less stressed, more productive, and less susceptible to disease. A clean barn has reduced fly populations and creates a healthier space for cows. Regularly remove manure, fix any needed repairs, and ensure stalls are clean.

Minimize Feed and Water Spillage

Areas beneath feed and water buckets are hotspots for flies. Spilled feed and water mix with manure and bedding to create ideal fly breeding conditions. Use appropriately sized feed pails and water buckets to minimize spills and keep these areas as clean as possible.

Even with clean, dry bedding and a well-maintained barn, flies can still pose a challenge. Effective fly control starts with proactive management of bedding and barn cleanliness, but it doesn’t stop there. By integrating feed-through larvicides like ClariFly® Larvicide into your routine, you can break the flies’ life cycles and keep populations in check. Prioritize your cows’ comfort and health while protecting your operation from the costly effects of fly infestations.