Protect Your Operation and Your Neighbors' From Flies

Fly control on livestock operations is critical as house and stable flies impact livestock health through painful bites and spreading of diseases. Not only do flies pose a threat to your livestock operation, they also pose a threat to neighboring communities. Flies can travel up to 4 miles, and if an infestation migrates, it can lead to neighbors filing nuisance complaints, possibly leading to fines or lawsuits.

Producers need to be aware of the unpleasant and unhealthy living conditions that uncontrolled fly populations can have on their operation and their neighbors, including:

Nuisance Lawsuits

Producers need to control fly populations to protect their bottom line from potential nuisance complaints. In 2018, a federal jury awarded more than $470 million to neighbors of a hog operation in North Carolina, in part because of nuisance flies. Being a good neighbor – and avoiding formal complaints – requires proactive fly management.

Disease Transmission

Flies are not only a nuisance, but they are also vectors known to spread 65 disease organisms. House flies on dairy operations spread diseases including pinkeye and mastitis. Similarly, swine operations face the potential spread of diseases such as PEDv, parovirus, Senecavirus, PRRS and more due to fly infestations. Diseases and illnesses from flies can potentially spread to neighboring operations through flies, increasing overall treatment costs for producers.

E.Coli Transmission

Cattle in confined settings with uncontrolled fly populations are capable of transferring E.coli to produce fields. Cattle feedlots that are near or adjacent to crop fields need to implement fly control practices to prevent potential foodborne outbreaks. These outbreaks caused by flies can negatively affect humans who consume the contaminated crops.

How to Control Flies Around Livestock

Uncontrolled fly problems on dairy and swine operations can potentially impact neighboring communities. Fly control will not only economically benefit your livestock operation, but also the community at large. To most effectively and efficiently control flies on livestock operations, consider a comprehensive fly control program built on ClariFly® Larvicide.

ClariFly® Larvicide is feed-through fly control that relies on livestock to spread the active ingredient and prevent house flies, stable flies, face flies, and horn flies from developing in and emerging from the manure of treated animals, where flies lay their eggs. Unlike conventional insecticides that attack the nervous system of insects through direct toxicity, ClariFly® Larvicide works by interrupting the fly life cycle, preventing them from maturing. ClariFly® Larvicide is approved for use on a number of animal species impacted by flies including, cattle and swine.

While ClariFly® Larvicide will provide the foundation for fly control efforts, it can be most effective if supported by a comprehensive integrated pest management (IPM) program. This includes improved cultural practices to reduce fly resting, feeding, and breeding sites through regular manure management, cleaning spilled feed and maintaining surrounding vegetation. To help further reduce the chances of fly populations from traveling to neighbors, we recommend the use of fly baits, traps, and sprays like those available through the Starbar® line of solutions.

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